FACIL: Flexible DRAM Address Mapping for SoC-PIM Cooperative On-device LLM Inference
Seong Hoon Seo, Junghoon Kim, Donghyun Lee, Seonah Yoo, Seokwon Moon, Yeonhong Park, and Jae W. Lee, The 31st IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), March 2025.
A 40nm 5.6TOPS/W 239GOPS/mm² Self-Attention Processor with Sign Random Projection-based Approximation
Seong Hoon Seo*, Soosung Kim*, Sung Jun Jung, Sangwoo Kwon, Hyunseung Lee, and Jae W. Lee, The 48th IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), September 2022.
ELSA: Hardware-Software Co-design for Efficient, Lightweight Self-Attention Mechanism in Neural Networks
Tae Jun Ham*, Yejin Lee*, Seong Hoon Seo, Soosung Kim, Hyunji Choi, Sung Jun Jung, and Jae W. Lee, The 48th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), June 2021.
Accelerating Genomic Data Analytics With Composable Hardware Acceleration Framework
Tae Jun Ham, David Bruns-Smith, Brendan Sweeney, Yejin Lee, Seong Hoon Seo, U Gyeong Song, Young H. Oh, Krste Asanovic, Jae W. Lee, and Lisa Wu Wills, IEEE Micro, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 42-49, 1 May-June 2021.
Special Issue on Top Picks from the 2020 Computer Architecture Conferences
MERCI: Efficient Embedding Reduction on Commodity Hardware via Sub-Query Memoization
Yejin Lee, Seong Hoon Seo, Hyunji Choi, Hyoung Uk Sul, Soosung Kim, Jae W. Lee, and Tae Jun Ham, The 26th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), April 2021.
Genesis: A Hardware Acceleration Framework for Genomic Data Analysis
Tae Jun Ham, David Bruns-Smith, Brendan Sweeney, Yejin Lee, Seong Hoon Seo, U Gyeong Song, Young H. Oh, Krste Asanovic, Jae W. Lee, and Lisa Wu Wills, The 47th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), June 2020.
*denotes equal contributions